Board of Directors

Spar Nord’s Board of Directors makes overall decisions regarding vision, mission, strategies and policies, and it has also established an Audit Committee, a Risk Committee and a Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

Spar Nord’s Board of Directors makes overall decisions regarding vision, mission, strategies and policies, and it has also established an Audit Committee, a Risk Committee and a Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

Board self-evaluation
The Board of Directors performs an annual selfevaluation, assessing its work and results.

Discussions are ongoing throughout the year, while an actual evaluation of the skills of each board
member is performed once a year. In that connection, an evaluation of the Board’s combined skills is
also made.

In 2023, the evaluation was made using external assistance combined with an in-house evaluation.
The external evaluation was based on an anonymous questionnaire survey with each member of
the Board of Directors and the Executive Board. The in-house evaluation focused primarily on individual
and collective skills as well as a fit-andproper assessment of the board members.

The overall evaluation has been presented to and discussed among the members of the Board of Directors. The overall conclusion was that the work of the Board of Directors is characterised by openness and constructive dialogue and that the addition of two new board members in 2023 ought to
bring focus on onboarding and board dynamics. Furthermore, it was concluded that, individually and
collectively, the members of the Board of Directors meet the fit-and proper requirements.