Governance and remuneration

The Board of Directors and the Executive Board of Spar Nord consider corporate governance to be a fundamental requirement for maintaining a good relationship with internal and external stakeholders and for meeting the Group’s financial and non-financial objectives.

For that reason, Spar Nord’s Management backs the efforts to promote corporate governance and has chosen to comply with the vast majority of the most recent recommendations from the Danish Corporate Governance Committee. A full overview of Spar Nord’s position on the recommendations is
provided on the following pages

In addition, Spar Nord’s Management has considered its position on the corporate governance code of Finance Denmark and has chosen to comply with all 12 recommendations. In addition to Spar Nord’s position on the general recommendations on corporate governance, the Bank’s position on Finance Denmark’s corporate governance code can also be viewed in its entirety

Read a complete overview of Spar Nord’s position on the recommendations here.

Download Corporate Governance 2023 as PDF
Download Corporate Governance 2022 as PDF
Download Corporate Governance 2021 as PDF
Download Corporate Governance 2020 as PDF
Download Corporate Governance 2019 as PDF
Download Corporate Governance 2018 as PDF
Download Corporate Governance 2017 as PDF
Download Corporate Governance 2016 as PDF

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR or ESG), is something we take seriously at Spar Nord and have done so for many years. However, we prefer to translate this fashionable term into our own language and reality because experience shows that this produces better defined and more focused action.

Spar Nord's ESG-report 2023
Spar Nord's ESG-report 2022
Spar Nord's ESG-report 2021
Spar Nord's CSR-report 2020
Spar Nord's CSR-report 2019
Spar Nord's CSR-report 2018
Spar Nord's CSR-report 2017

FinanceDenmark’s Corporate Governance Code

FinanceDenmark has prepared a Corporate Governance Code containing recommendations to its member institutions.

This is our position on FinanceDenmark’s Corporate Governance Code

Code of conduct

Spar Nord considers proper behaviour to be a fundamental prerequisite for running a successful bank.

View Spar Nord’s Code of conduct

Board of Directors – attendance rate

The Spar Nord Board of Directors convenes 11 ordinary meetings a year and holds a strategy seminar and four meetings with the chair­men of the regional bank committees. In 2022, the Board of Directors held a total of 24 physical meetings and telephone conferences.



The overarching principles for remuneration at Spar Nord are contained in the Bank’s remuneration policy, which in case of material changes or at least once every four years is adopted by the shareholders at the General Meeting at the recommendation of the Board of Directors and following preparatory deliberation in the Nomination and Remuneration Committee established by the Board of Directors. The policy is updated once every year by the Board of Directors following preparatory deliberation in the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

The remuneration policy was approved by a sufficient majority at the Bank’s Annual General Meeting held on 19 March 2024. As no shareholder has demanded a complete account of the voting procedure, no complete count of the votes cast has been made.

Remuneration Policy 2024 (Approved)

Remuneration Report 2023
Remuneration Report 2022
Remuneration Report 2021
Remuneration Report 2020